The collection

The region's moving image collection cared for by the Media Archive for Central England (MACE) is made up of films, video tapes and digital files that relate in some way to the Midlands. Moving images depicting the region form an essential element of our holdings but the collection goes much further than images of the Midlands as it used to be. One of our aims is to reflect all aspects of the life and activities of people and organisations from the Midlands, both at home and abroad. Consequently, MACE is preserving and providing access to both images of the Midlands and unique footage from all around the world; footage that records the lives of Midlanders as they go about their business and leisure.  

The regional collection incorporates all forms of moving image making from 1895 to the present day; all media: film, video tape and digital file types; from home movie to broadcast television; professional and amateur; fiction and non-fiction. 

The collection comprises some 75,000 titles with examples of most film gauges, video tape formats and digital files. We hold a large collection of ITV Central regional programming from 1956 to the 1990s as well as many industrial films, art films and home movies. Together they make up a unique and important picture of British life lived by Midlanders.  

If you have a moving image collection and would like to ensure that it is preserved for future generations to enjoy and study we might be able to help you.  Even the most unlikely material can open a window on our culture and history. Contact us for more information.