Royal School for the Deaf, Derby: Sports Day and Outings: 1947

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Record of sports day at the Royal School for the Deaf in Derby as well as pupils visiting Skegness and London and a football match.





Film type:

B&W/Colour / Silent


Home Movie

Master format:



Some intertitles are used (in the form of filmed signs). "Royal Institute for the Deaf School Sports 1947". We see various shots of the school's sports day including races and a maypole dance. "A Trip To Skegness". A quick shot of buses leaving Derby is followed by scenes of the children on a rollercoaster, boating, playing on the beach, riding donkeys and swimming at Skegness lido. "W. Carey Roe OBE BA. At a gathering of past and present colleagues, a presentation was made to Mr and Mrs Roe". We see a group of people and a presentation to the Roes. We then see (colour) shots of the children visiting London including London Zoo, feeding pigeons and a teacher using sign language to a group of pupils on the street. "D. D. I. Juniors". A football match for junior boys from the school including shots of them eating half-time oranges. We then return to b/w for more shots of a visit to Skegness (poor quality - these may have been spliced in here from another year) and finally b/w shots of the children in the school's garden.


No credits specified


William Carey Roe was headmaster at the school from 1920 until 1946. He had taken over from his father (also William) who founded the school in 1893.