Rights - Wot Rights!

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A video made by the Birmingham Trade Union Resource Centre. Teenagers and young adults give their opinions on the subject of Youth Training Schemes.





Film type:

Colour / Sound


Birmingham Trade Union Resource Centre

Master format:

U-matic Lo band


Opening has graffiti on a wall: you are now entering a job free zone. The video presents a series of case studies about the youth opportunities scheme separated by animation created by Steve Bell showing his penguin characters trying to navigate the training system.

Street vox pops in Birmingham asking young people what they think about training opportunities.

Members of the Birmingham Trainees Group describe the disappointment they felt when taking part in various poorly realised training schemes. Young adults at the Sheffield Information Technology Centre talk positively about their time there. We see them using computers and turning knobs on monitors. Young women at Springboard Workshops (in Islington) talk about equality in the workplace as we see images of women painting and a man playing with children.
A young woman sharpening tools in a workshop talks about changing attitudes to women’s roles in the workplace. She goes on to describe the health and safety measures taken to keep the trainees safe at work. Health and safety is considered next. We hear from the brother of Derek Cain, a seventeen-year-old who died in December 1982 working as a trainee at C. Plumb & Sons, a Sheffield waste disposal firm. The final section looks at trade union representation. Members of the Birmingham Trainees Group explain how essential it is to join a union, citing the protection it affords a young trainee. The film finishes with shots of break-dancers performing superimposed over images of Birmingham city centre.


Thanks to the following:
Wendy Baines, Peter Ball, John Baxter, Christine Beard, Jay Jay Bierman, Gary Blake, Joanne Brumley, Richard Cain, John Clarke, Roy Cocking, Spencer Cooper, Chris Davis, David Finch, Fee Gillard, Will Garnett, Simon Killarney, Horace McFarlane, Susan Mansell, Wendy Molyneux, Dave Rees, Tracy Westwood

Hackney Direct Labour Organisation, Islington Springboard, Sheffield Direct Works Department, Sheffield ITEC

And to our sponsors:
Greater London Council, NALGO, Sheffield City Council, West Midlands County Council

Autographics, Broadcast Facilities North, Cine-Lingual, Cherry Video, Crow Film & Television, Julian Dawton, Paul Millar Post-Production, Red Shop Recorders, Trade Union Resource Centre

Animation City, Steve Bell

Voices, Song and Dance:
The Joeys, Hilary Price, Dance Fusion

Production Team:
Trevor Boden, Maggie Ellis, Roger Klime, Dave Rushton, Jack Shea, Peter Woodhouse

Birmingham Trade Union Resource Centre 1984
Cartoon Characters - Steve Bell
'On the Crest of a Wave' Cinephonic Music Company Limited
A TURC video