Put People First [Public]

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A campaign film against cuts and privatisation to public services, for shop stewards and activists to use for the workplace, at trades council or branch meetings.





Film type:

Colour / Sound



Master format:

1 Inch Type C


This video takes a number of examples - hospitals, meals on wheels and education - to show the dangerous effects of privatisation and the cuts and shows the contrast between the Government’s claims and reality.
Newspaper articles highlight the dangers of cuts to health, education and welfare services. Dr. Peter Draper, a consultant at Guys Hospital lists some of the effects the cuts have had - from hospital departments closing to unemployed trained doctors and nurses. We see nurses, hospital cleaners and lab technicians at work. A woman delivering food for the ‘Meals on Wheels’ service in the West Midlands talks about the problems that would arise from privatising the system. Andrew Johnson, a spokesman from the National Union of Teachers sees a general crisis in the education service. We see footage of a dilapidated classroom as he talks about cuts in staff, provision of textbooks and building maintenance. School cleaners in Dudley voice their frustrations about cuts to their working hours. Women kneel on the floor preparing NALGO placards publicising the sell-off of British Gas showrooms. British Gas worker, Joan Burrows, a NALGO Shop Steward, explains the issues behind the privatisation of the nationalised gas industry. Mick Raymond, a TGWU steward talks about bus services in Leeds as we see shots of buses in the West Midlands, and Geraldine Alzarof, a technician, gives her opinion on cuts to public services. A song ‘Put People First’ plays over images of various public services in action.


A BFW / TURC Co-Production as part of NALGO’s ‘Put People First’ Campaign

Those working on the production of this video were Trevor Boden, Maggie Ellis, Roger Kline, Julie Plimmer, Dave Rushton, Jack Shea, Jonnie Turpie, Ian Waldie, The Apollinaires, Sandra Harris.