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A series of newspaper headlines, information cards and photographs about addiction and cannabis. Drug related posters and information sheets stuck to a wall.
Young Asian men listen to a woman talk about drug use before playing a ‘name a drug’ game. The woman moderates a discussion between the men. Amongst the subjects they touch on are their own experiences of drugs, drug use, not being accepted by white people where they live & the problems with society. A group of teenage boys are asked questions about drug use. They give their opinions as to why cannabis should be legalised. Go on to talk about various aspects of drug culture.
Camera in a car as it travels through Birmingham. Car stops at ‘St. Martin’s Church Centre’, then St. Martin’s Youth & Community Centre’. Car goes on through upmarket residential area.
‘Have your say at the People’s Shop’ on a tv screen. Woman records to camera an introduction to a film about young people’s opinions and views on drugs. Says discussions took place at St. Martin’s Community Centre and Lozells Community Centre. (Several takes)
Shot of street sign signposting New Oscott, Sutton C’field and Kingstanding.
Reggae influenced music over a blank screen.
More shots of urban area from car (Mute)
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