Jubilee Arts: Beechdale; Dudley Fields; Bloxwich: Interviews

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Community events held at Walsall, Boxwich and Dudley and interviews with local adults and teenagers.





Film type:

Colour / Sound


Amateur Video

Master format:



Neil Faulkner, a teenage boy, and resident of Beechdale, introduces the film. A series of young teenage boys & girls, and younger children give their impressions of Beechdale, both positive and negative. A local shopkeeper is introduced and interviewed by a young child about her thoughts on activities for young children in the area. A Jubilee Arts worker holds up a Beechdale ‘Summer Celebration’ flyer and describes the activities available at the event (Stephenson Square, behind the Neighbourhood Centre’). More children talk about their hobbies, what they like doing and the lack of activities for children. An older woman gives her views on what facilities there should be for the children. More teenagers, children and adults give their opinion on the area.
Interviewer at Summer Celebration asks people at the event if they’ve enjoyed it. Country dancing instructor gives instructions to the dancers as a live band plays in the background.
Parade in the background, kids with drums.
Shadow Puppet Show - ‘A Cautionary Tale’ - a story about alien beings who land their spaceship in Beechdale. Interviewer asks teenagers and adults in the audience what they thought of the show.
Outdoor event on a green area. Dudley Fields? Stalls, fairground rides. Interviews with stallholders and people at the event. People buying tickets for the tombola. More interviews and general views of the fair. Young child and residents are interviewed about their views on the Dudley Fields / Bloxwich area. A marching band play ‘Ticket to Ride’, ahead of floats carrying waving children. More interviews with children, young teenagers and adults about their impressions of Dudley Fields / Bloxwich area.
Three young boys talk about supporting Walsall football club. Young boy dressed as a knight. A boy and his grandfather are interviewed, the young boy saying ‘yes’ and ‘no’ a lot.
Children interview one another about their families and hobbies.
Stallholders taking down trellis tables, interviewed about how the fair was for them.
Group of kids getting their photograph taken, then interviewed. A woman and two men stand on a makeshift stage drawing winning raffle tickets from a bucket. Camera on bus, looking out at the fair site.


No credits specified


Information on container: 'Walsall Pilot Arts Scheme 1989 Beechdale and Dudley Fields'