Humphries: Rocester Festival 1979


The August 1979 Rocester Festival filmed by Les Humphries.





Film type:

Colour / Silent


Home Movie

Master format:



The film begins with shots of a pram race with children taking part (includes a couple of a accidents) followed by shots of the Festival Queen presenting a prize to the winners. This opening section is slightly dark suggesting it was a late afternoon or evening event.

We then see a parade led by a banner for the Rocester Festival (with the date 25 August 1979) followed by the Rocester Toppers marching band, the Wakebourne Band and various floats and people in fancy dress. The floats include one with the carnival queen, young people squirting washing up liquid (with a sign - the dead end kids), a group of black and white minstrels, people dressed as Buzby (an orange bird that promoted telephones), and a group of children sitting in the front bucket of a JCB (a local company).

Large crowds watch the parade as it passes by on the street. We then cut to playing fields where people in costume pose for the camera and where visitors look at stalls including a raffle and cake stands. The final shots are slightly out of focus and show babies with their mothers posing with prize certificates awarded by Farley Health Products Ltd.


No credits specified