Happy Recollections of the Renishaw Gala Days [Reel 2]

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Film of the annual gala day carnival held in the village of Renishaw in Derbyshire. This reel contains the 1953 event and the Drumhead Service of 1954.





Film type:

Colour / Silent


Home Movie

Master format:



Much of this film is under exposed and quite dark.

Title: '1953 opened by Ernest Jones National President of the Miners Union'
Title: 'Flower Gardens supervised by Arthur Ball of Dinnington'

We see a flower display in a garden; marching band, children wearing costumes and a parade through Renishaw followed by a number of speeches watched by a large crowd.

Title: 'Silver salver presented to Captain and Mrs Stanier by Sir Oswald Sitwell, Bart' (see notes).

We see more speeches and then various carnival events: a miniature railway; archery competition; may pole dancing; a man put into stocks; carnival stalls and rides; children trying to climb a pole; darts; bowling games; test-your-strength; and a woman operating a hand-cranked roundabout.

Title: 'Drumhead Service 1954 Renishaw and Spinkhill Branch of the British Legion'

We see a parade and an outdoor service.


No credits specified


The Sitwell family owned the nearby Renishaw Hall. The caption 'Sir Oswald Sitwell' should in fact read 'Sir Osbert Sitwell' and is a titling error.

Captain Stanier was the Managing Director of the Renishaw Iron Works who organised the galas and financed the making of the film.