Views of police on street in Digbeth and high angle views looking down on scuffles. Bob Warman interview with injured police officer in hospital bed about the injuries he sustained during the demonstration and opinion of involving the police in such a situation. Interview with the West Midlands Chief Constable Philip Knights how the police are being increasingly involved in the current political demonstrations and the dangers, etc. Interview with Birmingham's Lord Mayor, Freda Cocks, about the need for recognising 'Free Speech' rights, but for the government to shoulder the responsibility by deciding which political marches will be permitted in the future, rather than the local authorities. (+ 14 mins of trims showing more street scenes in Digbeth as police and demonstrators clashed; scenes of the anti-fascist march and a damaged branch of the Midland Branch).
No credits specified
It is unclear exactly how much of this material was broadcast as the original durations are not recorded. There appear to be two edited pieces running about two minutes each plus around 15 minutes of trims (offcuts). Extra material of police with riot shields and scuffles can be found in Left Right and Centre report about the police broadcast 15 May 1978.