The Apartheid Connection

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This film shows how trade unionists are active in the campaign against apartheid in South Africa.





Film type:

Colour / Sound

Master format:

U-matic Lo band


A spokesperson from the Birmingham Trades Council explains the ways her organisation has tried to raise awareness of the campaign against apartheid in South Africa. A South African trade unionist gives a speech about the union struggle against BTR (British Tyre and Rubber) in South Africa. Catherine O’Reilly, a Dunnes Stores worker, describes the events which led to the Irish Republic banning South African goods. In Leicester, Peggy Gilbert, a hospital worker and NUPE member describes the actions her union has taken. Peggy stands in front of people holding anti-apartheid placards. Paul Snell, of the Trade Union Resource Centre, talks about ‘The Apartheid Collection’ publication.


A TURC video production


Made in 1987 to coincide with the Birmingham Trade Union Resource Centre publication of the same name.