Central News East: 08.01.1987: Corby

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Nick Franklin reports from Corby which once had the highest unemployment rate but is now recovering thanks to the Common Market.





Film type:

Colour / Sound


Central Television

Master format:

Betacam SP


Library shot of the demolition of Corby steel works blast furnace in 1981 and other library shots of the site being cleared. Shot of the Asda supermarket now built on the site. Exterior of Corby Borough Council offices. View of Corby shopping precinct. Interview with Council leader, Kelvin Glendenning who talks about the help from European money. Interview with Job Centre Manager, Alan Gordon-Smith who said that the unemployment situation was slowly improving. Exterior and interior shots of the new RS Components factory that employs 1,400 people. Brief b/w archive shot of the steel works. Interview with Terry Moulton, team leader at RS Components who said that the development of the company had meant a job for him and his wife. Interview with the Managing Director of RS Components, Norman King, who said that the company had found the right location and workforce. Exterior shot of Oxford University Press and Pilkington Glass who have also relocated to Corby. Shot of Corby taxis and building work on other factory buildings. Views inside the Job Centre with job seekers looking at the adverts. Interview with Joe Glacie who has been out of work for five months. British Steel’s tube division remains, however the largest employer in the town. Aerial view of Corby.


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